Let's Go!

Excellent,  Polemicarc dot net is up and running! Let's start with a site run-in period, after the first controlled access testing phase. I make available the first "starter contents" on the main page, and I am going to illustrate —in broad terms, because I still have to make up my mind what I have in mind. After that, I will leave this post hanging on the dashboard to cure, I hope well, as a ham hangs in the cellar. The events of this period force me to increase my calm but steady pace in building the site. After all, such important and sensational things happen everyday, that it would make no sense to delay further. We throw ourselves into the fray, and the launch is then carried out with minimal functionality and content that will be later increased.

I hope that this can be the beginning of a path, primarily of my personal evolution, in which you can, for instance, notice an improvement in the analysis or writing style, an ever better organization of the contents, and so on. Furthermore, the intention is also to branch out the contributions to this site through the participation of many friends and tweeters from the blogosphere, who each have their own and diverse opinions and skills. Once the system and the underlying infrastructure have been set up, we can consider the site boot-up phase completed; I hope something good, useful and interesting will come out of it, which stimulates reflection, and gives the reader an unconventional and somewhat... controversial point of view. For now we are therefore in the process of taking roots, which I hope will evolve in the involvement of other personalities, and therefore aggregation around common and shared discourses.

With regard to information and general purposes on the site, the reader is invited to visit the What is this? section.

But one thing at a time! The means are few, time is scarce and we do what we can. Keeping expectations low, we proceed unpretentious: as a side experiment I will try, to begin with, to create information structures using Twitter threads coupled with local content on the site. In this way I will be able to organize the topics effectively; but we'll see how it comes out... During this phase it is likely that the few contents already published will undergo changes and revisions, which I apologize in advance to any probably almost non-existent readers, and the various testers who are helping me at this time with different tests and headshots(1), as you can see in this video:

(1) Pun between "test" and "testata" which in Italian means "headshot"

Seriously, now.
Polemic Architect is like a reconnaissance plane preparing to fly over a long series of territories that we are about to explore. We will draw maps of the terrain, capturing its general morphology, identifying roughness and slopes, setting reference points that will help us orient ourselves in future explorations. Several flights will provide us with new information from time to time, stratifying with the previous ones and with the maps drawn by a multitude of illustrious travelers who have searched similar trails and routes before us. I like the metaphor of exploration, because talking about things and trying to see them from different points of view is like entering a territory from different directions. Imagine this epic exploration in a romantically vintage key, with a co-pilot of the caliber of Antoine de Saint Exupéry, Amelia Earhart or Manfred Von Richthofen! So let's put on some nice leather gear: jacket, helmet and goggles, jump on the biplane and go, without forgetting the old daguerreotype to take aerial photos of the panorama.


Posted: 03/06/2020 15:22 — Author(s): Polemicarc


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