Here we are, finally! Today is the day!
Exploiting my strategic location, the city of Gent, I woke up at a decent hour and jumped right away on my bike to reach the station of Sint Peters. Loaded up my luggage made at the last second as usual, and caught the train for Aalter. A very long ride of fifteen minutes.
Of course, my train (the first one on the board) was delayed and therefore, in a cascade, I lost the other train from Aalter to Bellem. Luckily, the very well organized staff (no irony!) of EEAB readily came to fetch me on a microscopic car, already full of students picked up here and there.
We drove to the location of our stay, the elegant residence of Château Bellem, where we students and teachers started getting acquainted with each other, with the amazing park surrounding the kasteel and -of course- with our rooms, that will be our homes for a whole month.
After setting up some basic things, like installing ourselves in our rooms, getting food, train tickets and such, we had a brief overview of the classroom and weekly program:
...and that's it for today, folks! The people is tired, they need to rest: some of them come from the antipodes of the world and are a bit dizzy due to the jet lag.
We started chatting among us and some interesting connection is surfacing, like that Swedish guy that knows personally a certain Swedish-Italian architect that I also know...
A sidenote:
Many are not architects! They are aficionados of the discipline, or young students that have not yet completed their formation (who has completed it, by the way? I'm here to learn as well!). Someone is here to get more deeply in touch with the traditional trades, in order to understand if his/her intimate feeling are compatible with undertaking such a direction. I find remarkable that many youngsters have this positive inquiring attitude. Of course I hope that they will be impressed and the passion for traditional trades and architecture will spread to them as well.

So, my friends thank you for your attention, see you tomorrow!
It will be an intense day of work, drawing and discussing.

Get this brief videoclip of the place, to better tease you into subscribing to the next edition!
(Now I go rest too, but I can't wait to meet the superstars...rumors say that nothing less than Leon Krier, Hugh Kavanaugh, Pedro Palazzo and others are going to be present! I feel like a teenage boy at his first Iron Maiden's concert! So...keep following the chronicles!)
Posted: 25/07/2022 20:09 — Author(s): Polemicarc


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