eeab23-day 11-12
—DAY XI & XII ~ Drawing with Conor—
 Conor Lynch, a long time friend of the School and artistic pencil of the traditional firm Adam Architecture, came to delight us with his presence and his impeccable Eton style for three days.
In the past week the young students perfected their geometrical and architectural knowledge, and started drafting impressive pieces of work concerning facades and details. One thing was still missing: the rendering.
And here comes Conor. As illustrator of Adam Architecture, he knows quite a lot about it, thanks to his daily training! Always friendly, he helps the students with hints and tips, giving them new perks in shading and texturing.
On his first days, the works took place in Bellem, at our base, with theoretical explanations and practical demonstrations aimed at improving the students' assignment.
The second day was way more dynamic, instead, with a long tour in the city of Bruges, discovering the marvels of detail, the reasons for a construction, experiencing extraordinary urban spaces!
For this day he was joined by Riccardo, our "sarge field architect" who makes sure everything rolls smooth and helps the students with small all-round information and advice. Today he happily sketched around with the students too.
The company was as always led by our President Nadia!
Allright, there was some problem with the dating laugh, this one is of course day XII.
Aleksei studies a perimeter wall
photo 2023 07 17 23 20 33
This is the same wall drawn by Riccardo
More of Conor and the sketching day:

The visit of the Gruuthus, great historic residential palace of the local nobility, follows. A very exciting day, rich of novelties! (pictures taken from the Gruuthus):
Oh, and forgive me: I forgot to blog about the day before Conor arrived! It's because the schedule is very tight and we don't always have time, especially if you keep on working like me. Does someone remember the Begijnhof Ter Wijngaerde? We've been here last year too!
Alex in quick-shot mode.
Comparison moment!
Deniz and Aleksei chatting with a Beguine :)
The type of urban spaces that we were studying is called "beguinage" or "Godshuis", depending to the type of dweller (nuns and lone women or "regular" poor people).
Here is an example of the Godshuis Meulenaere with an explanatory scheme by Riccardo.
A beautiful, affordable, healthy, durable social housing project:
An array of housing defines the space
We study the building...
...we understand the space
Here we are, basically I managed to condense 2 days in a post + cheat to squeeze an additional day in it. Which actually came before Conor's days. I hope this is not too confusing for you! We do what we can...but still doing the best to bring YOU accurate accounts on what happens with us at the Traditional Architecture Summer School of Bruges!
Posted: 17/07/2023 22:26 — Author(s): Polemicarc


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