eeab23-day 16
—DAY XVI ~ Bricks and slates—
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A very intense day just finished! After a morning lesson with William Pesson (director of ARCAS Paris) on modern traditional architecture, we had two quick workshops about brick masonry with Riccardo (architect in Flanders) and roof tiling with Jean-Marie (roofer in Wallonia).
Check the Instagram video made by our indefatigable Noé:


Playing with model bricks to understand how masonry works and what are the challenges for building and designing with it.
We start from some designs and models made by Riccardo to explain the whole thing:
It's quite fun, and the students produced some interesting output, often incurring in typical mistakes that were then used to explain the correct bricklaying procedures. After this, the students learnt how complex it is to build a full wall with real bricks.
Check the photogallery below!


Ever wondered how a couvreur works? Jean-Marie Tong, one of the finest roofers of Belgium, with an astonishing streak of remarkable buildings restored, came once again with his sparkling personality to «rock and roll» —as he loves to say— showing the students how slate work and how to make them. Practical demonstration and trials followed.
Hands on!
How to use the tools?
As a real gentleman, Jean-Marie even made an heart-shaped slate and gifted it to Mariia!
And here, we have Taini trying her slate. Follow the integral process!
But that's not yet over! Jakub Ryng, of Apollodorus Architecture, has just come to help us and gave an introductory lecture. In the next days his boss Mark Wilson Jones will also be with us to advise on the students' projects, share his architectural energy and participate in the final jury.
...and now, everyone to Gent for the raging parties of the Gentse Feesten! Tot ziens!
(PS to avoid police's breathalizer controls, drink 1.5l of water before sitting in your car!)
Posted: 18/07/2023 20:54 — Author(s): Polemicarc


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