I decided to publish, every now and then, some quotes and citations that fit well with the subjects and matters covered by this website, and with the challenges that we are called to answer upon.
In general, it can be useful having available a good number of references and excerpts: after all, why throwing away the words and thoughts of the ones who preceded us?
And! Behold then, PolemiCard!
The usual maxi-post that gets populated through time. On Twitter there's #polemicard, the hashtag under which every PolemiCard will be published through a regular tweet. Here on the website, instead, I'll try to add some short comment —if necessary. Using the tag @polemicard, you can recall all the "subordinated" posts, as the ones that you see here underneath.

  • Click on the title to open the tweet on Twitter;
  • Click on the thumbnail to open the related post. (Don't worry too much about the thumbnail: the post itself has been translated in English).

line d01
 01 polemicard 001 thumb
002 - Roberto Gambino/Pier Luigi Crosta
 01 polemicard 002 thumb
 03 polemicard 003 thumb
#urban development#capitalism#social control#smart city
 04 polemicard 004 thumb
#capitalism#social control#archistar#modern
005- Tom Wolfe
 05 polemicard 005 thumb
Template image
Posted: 22/10/2020 14:06 — Author(s): Polemicarc


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