Welcome back at the edition 2023 of the Architecture Summer School, now operating not just in Bruges but in the whole Belgium (EEAB - École d’été d’architecture de Belgique)!
The summer is populated with interesting events this year too, such as the traditional summer schools of Utrecht or Engelsburg.
Let's go discover what happens in Bruges, then!
Have a nice read!
Let's go discover what happens in Bruges, then!
Have a nice read!
Dear 5 or 6 readers,
This year I will periodically publish a chronicle of the activities that will take place in the Mariahove estate in Bellem, in Bruges, Gent, and in the Walloon stone quarries, gathering testimonies from both organizers and participants, to bring them to you and to get all united under the banner of a New Traditional Architecture.
This is the page in which all the various posts in regard to the current edition are listed. Two turns will take place: the first, of a month duration, involves young students; and then the second, which is constituted by multiple modules and workshops conceived for professionals. In all this, the works will last a bit less than two months and this means that someone else may (and will) help me in keeping up with posting.

Click on a thumbnail to open the article.

Posted: 02/07/2023 21:24 — Author(s): Polemicarc
Silvanti 03/07/2023 17:02
Buon lavoro a tutti